Unfortunately Ralph is unable to follow me everywhere I go!
Originally from the North of England, I now divide my time between trendy Manchester and the beautiful Tuscan city of Florence, Italy.
I’ve always loved travelling, something that evolved from my ability to fall asleep in any kind of moving vehicle, a fact that still drives my friends and family mad. Having always had a weakness for the finer things in life, I try and include a little luxury on every trip I take, and it is the little gems and beautiful spots I have discovered that I wish to share with you. However, it doesn’t always have to be upscale luxury, I can just as easily fall in love with beautifully cared for family run properties, in fact it is the attention to detail, the quality of design, and most importantly the feeling of luxury and comfort that a property creates that makes my holiday special.
I have always been quite loathe to share special places I have found, wanting to keep them a secret and away from the masses, but when I see the hard work and effort people put into creating these retreats I feel I have to share what I have found.
I also have a passion for wine and food, and so it is not just where I stay that I wish to share, but also what makes that region special which invariably includes food and wine specialities. Living in Italy means I will of course write about this beautiful country in great detail, but I hope to include lots of other wonderful places too.
So, enjoy my travels with me!